Bring all of your household’s devices to one space (e.g. a table).
That’s every device, every cable, and every charger. Put each device with its cable(s) and charger and test it. If a device works and you want to keep it make sure you have a way of identifying its cables and chargers (e.g. labelled bags/envelopes). If you don’t want to keep a device or it doesn’t work, wrap it and label it.
Decide where your tech will be stored; this could be a drawer, a cupboard, or a box on a shelf.
Have one place each or one place for the household. Put the working items in this place along with any spare chargers you have AND also put the wrapped devices you don’t want in there as well (so you know where they are). Plan how you will recycle/sell the devices that you won’t be keeping.
In the future, when you’ve used a device put it back in this space so you can use the time you don’t spend searching for it to do something else!
If you would like more information or to get in touch please email me...
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